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This space presents my personal insights into creativities, films, musics, apple mac, visual design, photography, travel adventures, people, news, voices on my beloved country 'Malaysia' and abit about my spiritual journey in the inner-spiritual dimension of Islam. No script, No instructions. Just sharing a brief of the world that inspires me, the books on my shelves, where I work and the project I do, my current passion or simply talk about what's on my mind! But this is not a one-way thingie. This is just part of the matrix. Have your say in the "conversation", just say something. View and enjoy my live broadcast showreels, please be patient while the files are loading.

Broadcasting my showreels & favorite showcases
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MacMachine Some edited footages I shot during a New York City trip for Human Rights Watch International Film Festival and the New York Asian Film Festival in June 2005. Nearly mugged wandering around. It's a little tribute to this lovely city and people but NOT to Bush and his administration. It got this wonderful creative aura energy that hard to explain. Anyway, this video here will tell on how I felt being in the "City That Never Sleeps". Edited with the background music of U2 from the album "All that you can't leave behind, New York - 2000 ".

Islamic Sufism BroadcastCurrently I produce or direct people-driven stories and news related to muslims.net in MIDDLE EAST and ASIA PACIFIC for a global broadcaster in HD High Definition. At times I design, direct and produce on-air promotions, show packaging, channel branding, music videos, commercials and corporate videos. Versatile with AVID, Final Cut Studio nonlinear editing suite, Adobe After Effects, ProAnimator, Photoshop and Illustrator. Enjoy the rest of my broadcast list which showcases my past project, travelblog & my own personal spiritual Islamic journey of self-discovery.

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Monday, December 31, 2007

happy 2008

" Happy 2008 "

2007 will be gone soon, 2008 is just around the corner. It feels like a tiring year for me juggling both work and school. At one point, it was full of anxiety but it has also been a landmark year for my spiritual journey. The passing of my beloved mom during the month of Ramadan made me feel the fragility of life and missing her very much. I'm awaiting for Muharram before I pause and reflect upon my life and the meaning of 'Awal Muharram' so we may learn from this seminal event of our faith – the Hijrah. Thats the correct way for us Muslims to regard 'Awal Muharram' as our new year and not the New Year. Gone were the wild new year parties for me, I much prefer to be with the less fortunate. To my Muslim readers in Malaysia and elsewhere, may the Blessings and Benevolence of Allah be upon you and yours.

The Prophet’s Hijrah (migration) from Mecca to Medinah on 622 CE was such a pivotal moment in Islamic history that Caliph Omar decided that the Muslim calendar, and hence 'Awal Muharram', should begin on that day. Historically, the migration actually took place during the third month.

'Awal Muharram' is not so much celebrated as observed. On this day, Muslims pause and reflect on that signal event in our history, and ponder its meaning and significance.

Hijrah means to move away from oppression, a bad place or situation. The symbolism of the new moon is particularly apt, the emergence from total darkness to ever increasing brightness under the soft luminescence of the moonlight.

Allah commands us not to accept the evil around or perpetrated upon us. In Surah Al Nisaa (4:97 – Women) (approximate translation), “When the Angels take the souls of those who die in sin, they [Angels] say, ‘In what plight were ye?’ They [sinners] replied, ‘Weak and oppressed we were on earth.’ They [Angels] say, ‘Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to move yourself away from evil?’ Such persons will find their abode in Hell – What an evil refuge!”

The Prophet’s physical Hijrah is well known. Less well appreciated is his non-physical hijrah, when he moved his people away from the Age of Jahilliyah (Ignorance) with his divine messages. His physical Hijrah was a matter of days; his other hijrah consumed his total life after he received that first revelation.


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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Next Malaysian General Election 2008 video

" Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, will be a better leader? "
Please 'PAUSE' the main video player on top to watch this video

As what Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said in his 2004 manifesto, “You have the choice to determine the future of the Nation. The Government you choose should be able to protect and advance the interests of all citizens”. Very well said! Do we really deserve the good Government we voted in?

Be smart and vote if you do not agree with the current government. We definitely do not want to .... Exercise your duty wisely. Then the truth will prevail. And enjoy this video, just for laugh...

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Best Wishes for the road ahead...


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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

the blessed days of Zulhijjah and Eid ul-Adha greetings to all

" I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid-ul-Adha "

We are now in the period when Muslims around the world perform the rites of Hajj. Today we are in the first 10 days of the month of Zulhijjah. A month which Allah has blessed with the day of Arafah. With Eid-ul-Adha and the Aayaamut-Tashriq. This is the month which Allah has ordained for us the rites of Sacrifice. In the first ten days, we are encouraged to increase our 'ibadah' and to fast, particularly on the 9th of Zulhijjah, which is the day of Arafah. That is 19th December 2007, insha'Allah.

Let us also fill this times with Zikr', reciting the Qur'an as much as we can. Let us perform additional 'Night Solat'. Let us increase our devotional practices and worship to Allah. To draw nearer to Him with our obedience.

In a hadith, Rasulullah (saw) says: "There is no other days in which ibadah is more loved by Allah then these ten days (that is, of the month of Zulhijjah)". The companions asked him: O Rasulullah! Even better than jihad in the cause of Allah? The Prophet s.a.w replied: Yes, it is even better than jihad in the cause of Allah, except if one goes out for jihad with his life and his wealth, and he do not return with both.

In another hadith, Rasulullah (saw) says: "There are no days in which ibadah is more loved by Allah than the first ten days of Zulhijjah. Fasting for a day in it is the same as fasting for a year. And to do ibadah during its nights, is the same as if doing in the night of power, that is Lailatul Qadr."

I wish you ALL a very happy and peaceful Eid-ul-Adha . May Allah accept our good deeds and sacrifices, forgive our transgressions and ease the suffering of all peoples around the world.

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Monday, December 03, 2007

kitchen therapy with my favorite pasta dishes

I cooked any pasta dishes at-least three times a week and won't get 'sick of it' if eaten everyday. I mostly kept packets of dry pasta (used to make fresh pasta too, if time permit) and herbs ready in the kitchen for nights when dinner needs to be simple, good and fast, throw pasta into boils, and top or mix them with whatever I got in the fridge. Sharing my last week 'kitchen therapy' session with my favorite pasta dishes (Serves: 4-5 people):

" Spaghetti Pasta with Meatballs Recipe "

One of my ultimate comfort food "Spaghetti Pasta with huge Meatballs". This classic goes a long way with some homemade pomodoro sauce. The secret to the melt-in-your mouth meatballs is in the milk-soaked bread instead of breadcrumbs.

Extra-virgin olive oil
1 big onion, chopped
4 garlic cloves, smashed
2 tablespoons roughly chopped fresh parsley leaves
1 cup milk
4 thick slices firm white bread, crust removed
3 pounds ground beef mix
1 large egg
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano, plus more for serving
salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 cups heated Pomodoro Sauce (recipe follows)
1/2 pound fresh whole milk mozzarella cheese, cut into chunks
Leaves from fresh basil
1 pound spaghetti

Bring a big pot of salted water and dashes of olive oil to a boil for the spaghetti. Heat 3 tablespoons oil in an oven-proof skillet over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic, and parsley and cook until the vegetables are soft but still translucent, about 10 minutes. Take the pan off the heat and let cool.

Pour enough milk over the bread in a bowl to moisten and let it soak while the onions are cooling. Combine the meat in a large bowl. Add the egg and Parmigiano and season generously with salt and pepper. Use your hands to squeeze the excess milk out of the bread and add that to the bowl along with the cooled onion mixture. (Hang onto the pan - you'll need it to cook the meatballs.) Gently combine all the ingredients with your hands or with a spoon until just mixed together. Don't overwork or the meatballs will be tough. Shape them into nice looking meatballs (between the size of a golf ball or tennis ball, I preferred mine big as tennis ball).

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Heat a 3-count of oil in the frying pan over medium heat and brown the meatballs on all sides, about 10 minutes. Put them into a baking dish and spoon about half of the tomato sauce over. Shower with the mozzarella and drizzle with olive oil. Put the meatballs in the oven and bake until the meatballs are cooked through, about 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti in the boiling water until al dente, about 8 minutes. Drain and put it onto a large serving platter. Pour on the rest of the sauce and mix well. Spoon the meatballs on top of the spaghetti and garnish with basil leaves. Serve immediately along with extra cheese.

Pomodoro Sauce:
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped
2 (28-ounce) cans whole peeled San Marzano tomatoes, drained and crushed by hand, liquid reserved
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves, torn into pieces

Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-low heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook until the vegetables are soft, 4 to 5 minutes. Carefully add the tomatoes (nothing splashes like tomatoes) and about 1/2 cup of the reserved liquid and season with salt, sugar and pepper. Cook until the sauce is thick, about 15 minutes. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, stirring for a few minutes with a wooden spoon to further break up the tomatoes. Reduce the heat and let simmer for 20 to 25 minutes. Stir in the fresh basil and season again.

" Spaghetti Pasta Puttanesca Recipe "

Another really simple pasta is "Spaghetti Puttanesca" a traditional Italian pasta dish made with a sauce named sugo alla puttanesca, its name came from the fact that it was a quick, cheap and easy to prepare meal.

1 pound spaghetti
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
4 garlic cloves, smashed
2 tablespoons roughly chopped fresh parsley leaves
1/4-1/2 tablespoons chili flakes or powder
2 (14oz) cans whole peeled San Marzano tomatoes, drained and crushed by hand, liquid reserved
1 tablespoons capers
3 anchovy fillets in water, chopped
3 Tbsp black olives (I use kalamata)
freshly grated Parmesan, for serving

Cook the spaghetti in a large pan of rapidly boiling salted water until al dente. Drain and return to the pan. While the spaghetti is cooking, heat the oil in a large heavy-based frying pan. Add the garlic, parsley and chilli flakes and cook, stirring constantly, for 1 minute, over medium heat. Add the crushed tomato to the pan, bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Add the capers, anchovies and olives and cook, stirring for 5 minutes. Season with black pepper. Toss gently with the pasta until the sauce is evenly distributed. Serve with Parmesan.

" Spaghetti Aglio e Olio(with Garlic, Mushroom, Nuts & Tomatoes ) Recipe "

Spaghetti Aglio e Olio(with Garlic and Oil). The classic preparation of this dish is simply with olive oil and garlic, then dusted with paprika. You could use a handful of finely chopped parsley or any other fresh green herb you might like. Because I planted a lot of herbs like basil, mint & oregano, I will often add in a tablespoon of this mixed herbs with parsley. Another option is to add red pepper flakes. Alternatively you can simply put the red pepper on the table for those who would like it hot.

1 pound spaghetti
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
4 garlic cloves, smashed
1 tsp. salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Red pepper flakes (optional)
1 or 2 Tblsp. minced fresh herbs such as parsley, fresh oregano or a mixture (optional, but I like this fresh herb)
Freshly grated Parmesan (pass separately)
(optional ingredient that I like to add from the original recipe above)
- a bowl of fresh shiitake mushroom
- 1/2 bowl of fresh halved-cherries tomatoes
- 1/2 bowl mix dried nuts & raisins

Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil. Cook the pasta al dente and drain, saving about 1/2 cup of the pasta water. While the pasta is cooking, gently warm the olive oil in a large sauté pan, add the garlic either slivered or minced and heat just until the garlic turns golden. If you are using the red pepper flakes, add them here. Remove garlic or not according to your taste. Set oil aside until pasta is drained. Place oil back on medium low flame and toss pasta, in the sauté pan, with salt until well coated. If the pasta seems dry add dribbles of the pasta water. Add herbs and just heat through. Serve immediately with a good grind of black pepper, and pass the grated cheese at table. I also like to have a cruet of olive oil on the table so diners may add a drizzle if they wish.

If you wanted to know more about pasta and other great recipe, please visit www.ilovepasta.org

Enjoy! "La Dolce Vita" translates to... "The Sweet Life".

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“ Better to be a Pirate than to join the Navy ”

Steve Jobs - Referring to the pirate flag that flew over Apple’s headquaters in 1983. I believe that quote was one of three keyphrases for a large Apple meeting/conference, and the Pirate flag was attached to the Macintosh building after that meeting. So the flag was actually a reaction to that.